

Rebel 17 Stainless Steel Media Case Tumbler $229.95

Extreme Tumblers Rebel 17 Stainless Steel Media Case Tumbler

This is a revolutionary new tumbler designed specifically for stainless steel media. It has a capacity of 17 lbs (2-4lbs of brass). This unit is comparable to the Thumler’s Tumbler with added features and benefits that are a Must for cleaning brass. 3 year on unit, and 1 year warranty on high speed motor.

Key Features

– High strength powder coating including inside the drum
– Thick rubber lined drum
– Large 1/2″ solid shafts with thick rubber rollers
– Heavy duty sealed ball bearings
– Seam welded, durable base with dual motor support brackets
– Easy on/off nylon locking drum lid knobs
– Longer lasting drive belt

Includes Free Shipping

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