

$199.00 Nevada NFA Firearms Trust

TheBunkerLawC64a-A02cT04a-Z_mdmA Nevada attorney will draft a custom, NFA specific Revocable Living Trust to assist in the lawful purchasing and possession of Class 3 (Title II) firearms and other regulated items by Nevada residents.

A NFA Firearms Trust must include specific information regarding issues of possession, transfer, distribution, and transportation of Trust items. Don’t trust your NFA firearms to a software program not designed to take into account the nuances of the National Firearms Act and BATFE rules and regulations.

With a custom NFA Firearms Trust, you can bypass the need for a CLEO sign off, fingerprints, and photograph. This can speed up the time you receive BATFE approval for your Form 1 or Form 4. Also, a NFA Firearm Trust can permit multiple possessors (Co-Trustees) as well as distributing your NFA items after you pass away without the need for another Form 4 transfer and $200 tax stamp (usually accomplished with a Form 5 transfer).

Start legally enjoying Class 3 (Title II) firearms and items (suppressors, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, full auto, etc.) now! Get a custom NFA firearms trust drafted by a Nevada firearms attorney.

Limited Time Offer Expires 08/31/2011

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