Long-Range Shooting Target Impact Signal System Review
By Olin Coles
Manufacturer: Equu-Pulse Company
Product Name: Target Impact Signal System III
Model Number: DK8-001-III
UPC: 847628010260
Price As Tested: $170 (targetimpactsignal.com)
Full Disclosure: The product sample used in this article has been provided by Equu-Pulse Company.
In this article we field test the Target Impact Signal System III, model DK8-001-III, at ranges beyond 1500 yards. A product of Equu-Pulse Company and Spencer Instrumentation, Inc., the Target Impact Signal System (TISS) is comprised of a Bolt VS-210 strobe flash unit, target box sensor unit, fastening tape, and 20-foot target box flash sync cable. These systems are typically offered in one of three configurations, with flash strobe light strength increasing with each version. The DK8-001-III model received for testing will be tested in bright sunny light at extreme long-range distances, with tips included on how to improve results and feedback.